Adjustment of Superheating Steam Tubes of Convection Chamber in Atmospheric Pressure Furnace of Atmospheric and Vacuum Distillation Unit 常减压装置常压炉对流室过热蒸汽炉管的调整
In this paper, the buoyancy lift of natural convection gas is analyzed in a hermetic chamber, and given the formula between the buoyancy lift and the change of temperature. 分析了密闭腔中自然对流气体的浮升力,给出浮升力与温度变化的关系式。
On the basis of experimental study of crack combustion of both composite and double base grains a comprehensive static igniting model has been established, which considers heat convection, heat conduction, heat radiation, erosive burning effect and the influence of acoustic oscillation chamber. 静态点火条件下,在复合推进剂和双基推进剂裂缝燃烧实验的基础上,建立了一个综合静态点火模型。
At last, a mathematic model of isothermal chamber is founded based on heat convection procedure in the chamber and is proved to be successful to predict the temperature variation characteristics of isothermal chambers with test results. 建立了等温容器内部强迫对流换热过程的数学模型,利用不同容积的等温容器进行试验,结果证明,该模型能够很好地预测等温容器放气温度变化特性。
It is found that among all the parameters that affect thermal convection, the height of the reactor chamber plays a leading role while the diameter of chamber does not. 模拟还发现:在影响热对流涡旋的几何参数中,反应腔的高度H起主要作用,而反应器的直径D影响较小。
Some improved design about the location structure of convection chamber in pyrolyzer of ethylene has been summed, which be good for their stress and easy to manufacture. 介绍了乙烯裂解炉对流段的结构功能,各部件局部结构的改善设计。
According to design, the lining with light air hardening pouring material was needed to lay onto convection chamber, chimney and the bottom of heater of catalytic reformed equipment. 某石化总厂催化重整装置,设计要求其中的加热炉对流室、烟囱和炉底均采用气硬性轻质浇注料进行衬里,为此对气硬性轻质浇注料进行了研制。
Improved Design About the Location Structure of Convection Chamber in Pyrolyzer of Ethylene 乙烯裂解炉对流段局部结构设计改进
Causes and Treatment to Water Seepage on Foundation for the Convection Chamber of A Gas-burning Boiler 燃气锅炉对流室基础渗水原因与处理
The ash in heating furnace reduces the productions of the device. The technology of dry ice cleaning in heating tube and convection chamber can attain the purpose of ash removal. 加热炉炉管积灰形成,导致装置降低生产量,利用干冰清洗原理及技术特点,对加热炉对流室炉管实施清洗方法和步骤,达到除灰目的。
By means of analysis on the operation parameters both before and after cleaning convection chamber of conversion furnace, explained that; By the use of medicament spray cleaning on the outside wall of convection chamber was the effective method to increase the heat efficiency for conversion furnace. 通过对转化炉对流室炉管清洗前后的操作参数分析,说明对流室炉管外壁采用药剂喷淋清洗是提高转化炉热效率的有效手段。
These factors include magma composition, convection, diffusion, thermal gradient, oxygen fugacity, temperature, pressure, the shape of magma chamber etc. 影响韵律形成的因素很多,通常包括岩浆成分、对流作用、扩散作用、热梯度、氧逸度、温度和压力等。
Secondly the atmospheric pressure kiln was redesigned to supplement the convection chamber in order to decrease the temperature of the effluent air. 其次加热炉排烟温度过高问题重新设计增加对流段的常压炉,降低了排烟温度。
We suggest that crystal fractionation process, chemical diffusion of liquid magma and their convection have occurred in the magma chamber. 我们认为在岩浆房中曾经有结晶分异作用、岩浆液态化学扩散作用及岩浆对流作用。
The model considered the influences of the mode of reactants supply, the chemical reaction in the combustion chamber, radiation and convection heat loss of the combustion chamber wall, as well as fluid density changes in the tailpipe on stable operation of pulse combustion. 该模型考虑了反应物的供给方式、燃烧室内的化学反应、燃烧室壁面辐射与对流传热损失以及尾管内流体的密度变化对脉动燃烧稳定运行的影响。